CHA Fertility Center in Seoul

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History & Major achievement

We have a long and proud history and lots of accomplishments. Through ceaseless effort and investment, we have become one of the most successful fertility center and a global leader in modern science and medicine. These accomplishments, including our proprietary, innovative egg freezing technology, have been reported in over 200 publications from international academic journals to television news reports and interviews to newspaper and magazine articles such as The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Time Magazine, People Magazine and other publications around the world.

 History & Major achievement
1986 Nation’s first Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) and first IVF
("test-tube") baby produced in a private hospital
1987 Asia's first pregnancy in a woman without ovaries
1988 World’s first pregnancy from in vitro culture of immature oocytes
collected from unstimulated ovaries
1991 TIME Magazine cover article on CHA Fertility Center’s Research on
infertility and reproductive medicine
1994 Asia’s first ICSI baby
1996 TIME Magazine cover article on infertility and immature oocyte research
1998 Prize Paper Awards for "Restoration Technique of Minute Fallopian Tube Using Laparoscope" and "Development of Oocyte Vitrification" by International Federation of Fertility Societies and American Society for Reproductive Medicine
 History & Major achievement
2000 Prize Paper Award for "First pregnancy and delivery from oocytes vitrification" by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
2003 Prize Paper Award for “Establishment of mouse male germ- line stem cells and in vitro vitrification to haploid germ cell” by the American society of Reproductive Medicine
2004 Prize Paper Award for "Identification of genes regulating the growth of primordial follicles" by the American society of Reproductive Medicine
2005 Prize Paper Award for ”Successful application of oocytes vitrification using slush nitrogen” by the American society of Reproductive Medicine and Canadian Fertility and Andrology society
2009 Winning of the prize paper award of the Society for Male reproduction and Urology in the 59th ASRM meeting
2010 Nomination of the prize oral paper award of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology